Sunday, November 15, 2009


The word 'YOGA' is derived from the term 'Yug' which means to connect/ join. Similarly yoga refers to connecting the body with mind. Maharshi Patanjali enscripted Yoga Sutras, consisting the terms and rules for Yoga. As per the Yoga Sutras, Asana is one of the limbs of Ashtanga Yoga (eight limbs), the rest being Yama, Niyama, Pratyahara, Pranayama, Dhaarana, Dhyaana and Samadhi.

According to legends, Lord Shiva is the greatest Yogi, but he never descended on earth to propogate yoga and the task was taken up by Lord Krishna. Bhagwad Gita is full of Yoga.
In the olden days, Yoga was practiced more for Spiritual purposes. But today the purpose is to maintain good health keeping the body free from diseases and to attain mental peace. Our attempt is to help learn and practice Yoga in a simple way and gain more benefits from it.

Points to know before Starting:

1) Yoga is not for those who sleep less or sleep more or for those who eat less or who eat more. It is for them who maintain a balance.
2) There is no age limit to learn Yoga.
3) The best time to do Yoga is in the morning. One may not be able to concentrate well, at any other time of the day.
4) One hour time gap needs to be given before starting Yoga.
5) Yoga for Actors is different from others.
6) Normally during Asanas they won't speak.  But the Actors speak during Asanas.
7) Stretching exercises should be done before starting Yoga. They help in bringing the Body to neutral position after we get up.
8) Actors have special stretching exercises apart from normal stretching exercises.
9) They also have some balancing exercises.
10) One has to first understand the Aasana very well before attempting it.
11) One posture should be done several times to excel it.
12) Gradually keep increasing the stay time on each Asana.
13) Relaxation (Shavasana) is of utmost importance.
14) The Actors have on more  relaxing exercise (Shavasana) known as Deep Relaxation.  Relaxing bodyly and mentally.
15) Yoga helps in curing many diseases.
16) It is very difficult to control the Mind directly. With the practice of Asanas one can first learn to control the Body and then the Mind.
17) Breathing Exercises and Pranayam also help in controlling the Mind.
18) Breathing exercises and Pranayam the Actors have to do more times.
19) Control of Body and Mind leads to the Meditation stage.
20) The final stage of Meditation is known as Samadhi.
21) It is good for Actors to do Pranayam and Meditation in the morning for five minutes.  Beyond that depends on the availability of time.

1 comment:

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